Dear Ferret Folks- 

What do you ferret Buddahs with long experience think of as the top
three domestic hazards to ferrets?

I'm thinking:

1) A door open to the outside. We've read so many escape stories on the
FML, I've contributed a few, myself, although mine have ended happily.
Some have ended very badly for folks.

2) Of all things, reclining chairs, like Lazy Boys. Ferrets become
caught in the metal parts when someone reclines, and they don't
survive. I have two reclining seats in my sofa, but we are so careful
never to use them that I honestly forget that they do recline, in a

I am not sure what number three should be. People stepping on ferrets?
Dogs? electrical wiring? Perhaps you would make a different list
altogether. I wish you would, as long as we are thinking about this!
What would you tell a newbie to ferrets to watch out for?

Alexandra in MA

[Posted in FML 6583]