This is awesome!!! I keep telling everyone, real men play with their
weasels. The man on the front cover in this article is an obvious pro.
I can't imagine the hours of practice he put in, can you? (pausing and
trying to visualize). It's no wonder he got the cover shot. I'll tell
you what, that is one generously large, furry weasel popping up out
of his pants. Omg, even I am impressed. But you know, what? Second
thought, it looks like it's too much for him to handle. Hmm. Yah, he
looks like he needs some help to me. Give me his name and addie so I
can offer him my skilled hands and expertise with handling weasels. I
know, I know, I'm so giving of my time. So considerate. Yes, I know.
I am a saint to sacrifice so much for the good of everything ferret.
Now\ give me the hot, er helpless, guy's number already!!!!!

Thank you so much for putting this on the FML.

Da Wolfy
Weasel handler extraordinaire
(Ask Scott)
ps the only flaming you'll get from me Marlene is that you almost
didn't share this and that poor hot, er helpless, guy would have walked
around with that expression on his face forever because of a ferret and
not for a better reason.

[Posted in FML 6582]