Bond, James Bond.... Yep, that's me! I be de Spokesfuzzie for Raisins
From Heaven Ferret Rescue & Sanctuary and we all lives here in
Hernando, MS. I came from de big big rescue of us fuzzies from de
horrible place in Ohio mum sayz. I dont remember much cuz I be young
boy fuzzie den. But I gots dis job when Syke gots sick. He wuz a nice

Anywayz, our mum has been soo soo buzy des dayz and so she asked me to
write dis note to let all of de Santas know wez gots soo many wonderful
fuzzie treats, toyz, blankies and bedz...and Miss Iris even gots dis
new chair thingy that she wizzes aroundz in its. Man itz neat! But my
big butts cants gets in itz!!

I knows that de foster moms have sent notes to some of de Santas
danking thems for des wonderful dings for us fuzzies butts I am
supposed to dank everyone too! So dis is whats I am doin' now....!

Oh yea, mum says she gots some yummy treats for herself from some nice
Santas - boy oh boy she says its wuz yummy -- so why didn't I gets
some! Why not!?! And, our mum gots a very bootiful glass thingy that
made her cry. Had a fuzzie scratched in its and when de sun shines
on its, all des colors! Man!

One more ding before I gos and nips at de cats.....mum wants me to
dank de nice people who sent de nice dings for de Stephens' ferrets
that were not on de Tree! Nice...berry nice! They are feelin' better
des days.

Mum says she will gets cards to all de Santas soon.......

Bye for now, I have cats to nip before I takes nap!

Bond James Bond
Official Spokesferret
Raisins From Heaven Ferret Rescue & Sanctuary
Hernando, MS

[Posted in FML 6582]