Just wondering if this is the same Kim who jumps down everyones throat
in the whole natural vs. kiddle debate? The perfect one who is always
there standing in judgment of the rest of us who CAN admit to making
mistakes? I can't tell because I stopped reading any posts from anyone
named "Kim" a long time ago for that very reason. Sorry to any of you
other Kims out there.

Kim, maybe people wouldn't jump all over your posts if you learned some
tact and manners and how to properly address things you don't agree
with. You totally undermine your own message by how you deliver it
and then keep ranting on and on when anyone calls you on your poor
etiquette. It might not be so bad if your poor choice of behavior and
words only came through once in a while...but everytime? People might
actually listen to your advice if it was given without the poisonous
delivery. And who ever said you have to be all sickly sweet in your
response? You can make a stand and be upset, but you don't have to be
a jerk either. Is overly nice and down-right mean the only two ways
you know how to react? There is a lot of middle ground, you know. Its
generally where the rest of us operate and our messages are heard loud
and clear. How about some good tendered advice on how to make sure this
never happens again and leave out the ranting judgment part.

Most of us just tune you out now and so all the great advise you offer
is completely lost. If you want us to hear you (and I am sure you have
a great deal of worthwhile experience and knowledge), maybe rethink HOW
you say what you say and we will start listening again.

[Posted in FML 6581]