Shame on you Kim! Have you NEVER had a bad experience with anyone that
had anything to do with your ferrets? Even maybe someone handling them
when you didn't want them to? Then you must be the one in a million.
Hubby and I have had furkids for over 15 years and there have been a
few incidents that if one of us had been blessed with premonitions
could have been avoided. And if you talk to other ferrants and shelters
I'm sure each and every one would have some type of incident that they
could tell you about. Maybe not like what happened with Sandi but one
that would stop and make you think.

Most of you don't know Sandi personally like I do. I've know her for
about 10 years and have adopted from and fostered for her. And unlike
most folks that adopt from shelters I don't just take the young healthy
ones like most people want. Just about all of the babies I've taken
from there have been older or have been special needs kids. But it
seems like they pick me, not the other way around. Out of all of the
kids I've adopted I can only remember two that were really young and
perfectly healthy. And I don't take these kids because it's the ones
that Sandi WANTS me to take but because it's the ones that have stolen
my heart. Anyway, back to Sandi and the shelter. Now, I'm not saying
that Sandi's a saint but she does go above and beyond when it comes to
the ferrets already in her shelter and the ones that desperately need
somewhere to go. I was there that day that the incident occurred. Sandi
was stopping whatever errant behaviour was going on as soon as it
happened. When I saw something going on I handled it the best I could
then told Sandi about it immediately. Yes, it was a terrible situation
that, knowing Sandi the way I do, I personally can guarantee you will
never happen again!

And about Sandi being a HOARDER?!?!?! Get a life! A lot of the ferrets
that make their way to her come from other states where there either
aren't any reputable shelters or come to her because some shelters
don't want old or sick babies and only take in a select few that can
be easily adopted out. A lot of her kids are in hospice care until
their time comes to pass. She adopts out when a suitable forever home
comes along but with the economy the way it is and potential new ferret
owners not wanting to do any kid of research on ferret care and health
they are few and far between these days. A lot of the potential
adopters only want one from a bonded pair and Sandi will not break them
up like that. Or they've have ferrets in the past that have died and
the don't know why because they didn't get vet care for them. Or the
ferret has somehow gotten "lost". Or they had to give it away for some
ridiculous reason. Or they have several very young kids and/or a lot of
dogs and cats that would "definitely get along with the ferrets" even
though they'd never been around one. That can make for a disastrous
outcome. Would you want a ferret of yours to go to someone like this?
She gets in very few young ones so that leaves a lot of older or sick
ferrets that are either not adoptable or are not wanted because they
are already four or five years old. And fosters? I think myself and two
other people actually foster for her. There is no one much around there
that wants ferrets or she wouldn't have to take in so many. She is
right by Fort Rucker and gets ferrets from there ... usually from
soldiers that have known they were shipping out for weeks and then the
day before they have to leave they remember that their ferret needs a
home! So they call Sandi. And she does have several shelters in other
states that she transports some of hers to when they aren't also
overloaded with ferrets. And then there's the local animal control
officer that occasionally calls her. And two summers ago when I was
diagnosed with cancer who took care of my babies for me? Sandi of

And so far a hoarders go the only ones I've ever heard of neglect the
animals. All of Sandi's babies get homemade duck soup daily, cages
cleaned daily, vet visits and meds that they need, hours of out time
daily, toys, the best food and last but not least ... lots of love
and TLC. When it's time for one to go to the Rainbow Bridge she nestles
them in her arms and talks lovingly to them as they cross. And she
cries for each and every little lost soul no matter how or why it
crosses to the Bridge. Oh, and did I forget to tell you that she does
all of this pretty much by herself and also works a full time job??
Doesn't leave much time for a social life now does it? Even when I go
to visit her for several days most of our "social time" is spent
scooping poop and cleaning cages ... or at the vet! And I don't mind
it one bit.

I'm not writing this to defend Sandi but to let you know what she
actually does, especially concerning the ferrets. And as someone
already said the next day we did go and pick up the ferrets that these
people had adopted from her. Not out of spite or because she wanted to
get back at them for behaving so badly but because she was genuinely
concerned about the safety and welfare of these two babies. So don't go
talking trash and flaming her or anyone else until you have all of the
facts and you've walked a mile in their shoes ... even for one day!!

So to Sandi and all of the other reputable shelters out there my hat
is off to you for doing such a wonderful job caring for all of these
loving babies!!

[Posted in FML 6580]