Hi everyone, 

I'm trying to catch up on updates, and to answer a couple of your questions:
1) the fire was just three days ago (not a few months ago)
2) Ferrets were not put to sleep, 
   (Goodness NO, they are being cared for at my house and
    I just hand fed and hugged them all this morning!)
3) Ferrets are shelter guys living at a foster home, all of whom are
   adrenal, have insulnoma, on lupron, meletonin, prednisone, diazoxide
   and were neglected and/or abused. Annalise is originally from
   California and volunteered to take these ferrets to live with her
   as they deserved to be out of a shelter enviroment. (an unattended
   candle in a bedroom was the cause of the fire from the tenant on
   the second floor. The tenant helped the fire fighters to get all
   four ferrets out insisting that they go back in multiple times and
   look for them until all four were rescued.

This morning's update:

I spoke with Annalise this morning she is so relieved that the ferrets
were rescued. She didn't have renters insurance and most of her
posessions are gone as well as all of the ferret bedding and other
ferret items.

The ferrets were originally from my shelter location so we felt it
would be better for them to be in familiar surroundings and with
familiar ferret buddies.

Bandit has some eye issues of which we have been treating with the eye
ointment provided by Dr. Harrington. Her eye seemed better today. All
the ferrets did receive eye irrigation and stain to access if they had
damage. We believe that she has some irritation and is a bit better

Carmella doesn't seem to have any physical issues, but is very
tramatized, clingy and sought out one of her old buddies, Mikey to curl
up with. She does still have a bit of a smokey smell to her and Mikey
is very protective of her. She seemed a bit less tense and skittish
this morning.

Stevie has smoke inhalation of which his nasal passages and throat are
very roughed up, we have done respiratory theraphy for him and have
placed him on anitbiotics. We have dotted some ferret Rx (vapor) in the
bedding to keep the nasal passages open and added a cool mist vaporizer
in the room to keep moisture in the air for him to breathe. Stevie is
the dark sable ferret in the Herald with the fire fighter.

Rudy is the most affected by the fire. He has some singed fur on one
foot and some burnt paw pads, he has some crispy skin on his neck and
around his nose. He is the lighter ferret in the Herald pictures being
carried out by the firefighter. He is also on antibiotics and receiving
topical animax which soothes the skin and is a triple antibiotic. It
has been difficult to get his medicine in him (prednisone & diazoxide)
as we cannot touch the skin on his neck and with him being so rattled,
and deaf, he is unable to hear the calming voice reassuring him that
he is safe.

All are eating soup and we are calling in status reports to Dr.
Harrington of Randolph Animal Hospital twice a day.

Although we are so happy to be able to help them with their recovery,
we could really use some help with thier vet bill. If anyone would
like to give us a hand with this, we have started a Ferret Fire Fund
and placed a donation button on the shelter's website:

Christine Reis has drawn us a wonderful picture of a ferret resting in
a fire cap. We will be working on "You Are A Hero to Us" placques for
both the Cambridge and Somerville Fire Departments. I have ordered
South Shore Ferret Care Sweatshirts for Annalise and Jason so they will
have something ferrety to wear while they miss this ferret kids (all
of which I am paying for out of my own pocket, any money donated from
anyone will go directly to their vet bill, the animal pharmacy to meet
their medical needs).

I spoke with April at Totally Ferret yesterday, she is sending some
food and vivify for the ferrets in the fire as well as some baby food
for the ferret at Laurie's with a broken back after being thrown
against a wall. Rose, Cathy and Libby have said that they will make
some bedding to help us replace all the ferret bedding lost in the

We know it's been a tough year for everyone, if you are not able to
help with their vet bill, we can use some extra help around the shelter
with volunteers, newspapers, paper towels, yesterday's news litter, and
chicken baby food.

Please make sure that you have a PLAN should disaster strike! Get those
stickers on your windows to let fire fighters know you have pets inside
and keep that number up to date on the sticker!!

Bless you all and feel free to contact me with any questions- 
Diane Wall, 
South Shore Ferret Care 
2 Lantern Road, Holbrook, MA 02343
781-249-4628  [log in to unmask]

[Posted in FML 6579]