Hello fellow ferret lovers!! Got an interesting email today from
Disney's Animal Kingdom's Zoological Manager here in Orlando. Says
they are in the process of looking for 1-2 young individual ferrets
that are handleable and can be used in a variety of their educational

I have not contacted this person as of yet because I wanted to consult
with someone first. I am a little skeptical about the whole thing
personally. I want to know what kind of questions to ask this person,
what kind of housing they will be in, what kind of "educational
programs" they will be used in, what kind of vet care they will have,
and how frequently they will be used etc. As you can see I have a lot
of questions.

What I want from you the ferret community is if there is anymore
questions I should ask and anything I should inform this person about.
I would also like to be a part of this whole educational experience. I
plan on calling her soon so any prompt answers to this email would be

Kim Kelly
Stinky Pete's Ferret Retreat

[Posted in FML 6579]