a lot of the larger shelters i know keep pillow cases on top of their
cages for such emergencies as well. its simple and throwing a few in
that might not get along is the lesser of the two evils. i myself with
a much smaller shelter keep cages and carriers fixed and ready to go
because we are also in tornado alley and get to use the emergency "get
it and go to the safest place in the house' quite a lot. i also keep
flashlights right where they ae easily grabbed and do not block windows
in case of fire and also tornado debris coming inside and injuring
anyone. there is a very inexpensive kind of flashlight that u wind up
that uses no batteries. we use those along w/regular ones. we have a
cage set up outside to deposit everyone into until we get everyone out
and keep cages set up in the hallway in case we need to stay in.

regarding the lady in scotland: would it be ok if we sent u a card just
because we appreciate what u do for the ferretgivingtree.com ? we have
always gotten thank you's and given thank you's and i know how
frustrating it can be ,especially because it lets u know the
gift/donation/etc reached its destination.

WeezleWings Ferret Sanctuary

Susie and the fursnakes!

[Posted in FML 6577]