Here is an update: Annalise is a South Shore Ferret Care Foster Mom and
MaFF Member and has lost most everything in her house, she is safe.

The four ferrets, all of whom are rescues and hospice ferrets were
transported from the scene of the fire by Michele Paulhus, Assistant
Director of South Shore Ferret Care to Randolph Animal Hospital. Dr.
Harrington and all of her staff we on alert and received them on an
emergency status. All of the ferrets have smoke inhalation, had chest
x-rays, oxygen levels checked, blood glucose levels checks (as all of
them have insulnoma, one ferrets level went down to 22). It took more
than 2 hours to evaluate them, stabilize them and bathe the soot off
of them.

The four ferrets received supportive care at Michele's house over
night. We made arrangements with Dr. Dyer at South Shore VCA (a 24
hour facility in Weymouth) if any of the ferrets went into respiratory

All four ferrets will be back at the hospital today for oxygen theraphy
and re-evaluation today.

Here is a link to the Boston Herald article:

Stevie is the dark sable ferret in the picture in the Herald, he was
taken into the shelter last summer from a domestic abuse situation.
Rudy is a deaf ferret who was taken into the shelter two years ago
after being left in a cage for over a year. Carmella was taken into
the shelter after being in a summer camp petting zoo with no air
conditioning. Bandit is a deaf girl with half of a tail taken into the
shelter earlier this year. All of these ferrets are on prednisone and
diazoxide. All of their medicine and all of their bedding was destroyed
in the fire.

We are doing our best at the shelter to do anything that they need to
recover. The vet bill alone last night was over a thousand dollars and
we will need to replace their medicine (prednisone and diazoxide),
bedding, and other essentials.

If anyone would like to help with them, please contact:

Diane at [log in to unmask] by paypal or checks to:
Randolph Animal Hospital, 400 South Main Street, Randolph, MA 02368.

If you would like to send an encouraging card to Annalise, please send
it care of the shelter and we will get it to her: 2 Lantern Road,
Holbrook, MA 02343

Please get those stickers on your windows which state what pets you
have in your home and how many there are. When the firefighters brought
out the first two ferrets they had no idea that there were two more
until a neighbor pointed out the sticker on her window which stated
there were 4 ferrets inside. The fire fighters (bless them) went back
in and got the other two.

Diane Wall - South Shore Ferret Care

[Posted in FML 6577]