The weather was cool but sunny at the Rainbow Bridge and No. 421 and
Oliver were planning their garden. Oliver had just watered the Raisin
tree -- and they hoped to have their own raisins before long.

Bluebird came flying up to the porch and tapped on the door.

"No 421. are you home? I has a ticket for you," she said. "We have a
big off/white gray roan feller named Ollie, that is crossing. You have
to hurry as he has a bad heart. He stayed at the Bridge Gate with Skye
for a couple of days to get his strength back after making the trip,
and his Dad Chris will be worried about him."

No. 421 invited Bluebird in to warm her wings and he set about banking
the fire. It was such a lovely day; he did not want to make any more
clouds in the sky from the smoke. Then the two friends set out for the

When they arrived, a big handsome boy with the dark eyes and a big
black nose was sitting in his chair. No. 421 approached the big ferret
and asked if his name was Ollie.

"I'm Ollie," said the big boy. "Is this the Rainbow Bridge? If it is,
are my buddies Chunky and Rhoobarb here?"

No. 421 told Oliver to go down to the Field of Dreams and find Chunky
and Rhoobarb.

"I think they are the two that are over on the back side of the field,"
No. 421 said. "Ask them if they have room for him."

No. 421 looked at Ollie. "Say Big Boy -- how are you feeling now," he

"I'm fine, no more problems, can't wait to see my buddies and tell them
all the news from home," Ollie said. By the way -- I have this little
piece of my Dad's heart with me. Do you have a pretty box I can keep
it in?"

No. 421 said he had just what he needed. "I have one I made out of
bamboo. I'll send Oliver down with it tomorrow."

Ollie was feeling so much better and he was excited about seeing Chunky
and Rhoobarb again.

There was a rustle of branches and some loud dooking as Oliver and
Chunky rushed up the path to the Bridge. Rhoobarb was bringing up the

"Here they are, Oliver said. "They have an extra hammy that no one is
using so Ollie can move right in."

"Hey Man," Chunky said. "Is it really you Ollie? Boy have I missed you.
Come on, we'll put the gravy pot on and you can fill us in on what is
going on back home."

The three ferrets dooked and rubbed noses and dooked some more. The
happy reunion brought tears to No. 421's eyes. He loved happy reunions.
Being a Breeder ferret, he never saw his kits, so he did not know where
his family was.

Ollie turned to No. 421 and asked if he could send a message back to
Daddy Chris to let him know he was here safely.

No. 421 called Gentle Breeze and asked her to brush against Daddy
Chris's face next time he was out and let him know that Ollie was at
the Bridge with Chunky and Rhoobarb. Gentle Breeze smiled and ruffled
the fur on the top of Ollie's head. Then she headed down in the
direction of Earth.

The three ferrets, still dooking, set off for their mound, and No. 421
and Oliver headed home.

Oliver called over to Chunky to remind him that they were going sliding
on the Otter Slide again before the Otters came back and to be sure to
bring Ollie.

The three ferrets said they would and down the path they went.

No. 421 and Oliver went back to their cabin. Oliver stoked up the fire
and No. 421 wrote in his logbook. Mission accomplished, I will take
heart box over to Ollie tomorrow, Gentle Breeze is on her way back
with a message, and Ollie, Chunky and Rhoobarb are together again.

[Posted in FML 6577]