January 2010
Master Largo's News
Possum Senior Reporter
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Andy watching from Rainbow Bridge

Possum here: HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!!!! Man it was a great
Christmas here at the shelter. The Giving tree Santa's sended us
fur kid's lots and lots of presents. We got the thank you notes and
pictures sent out to all our Santa's if you did not get a thank you
card, but sended us presents let mum know. Thanks everybody for helpen
our mum take care of us. We love our presents! Thank you to all the
Giving Tree people that make the Giving Tree possible!

Suzie Q: Don't forget some of them Santa's sent mum stuffs too, so
thanks for helpen us take care of our mum!

Possum here: Mum went to spend Christmas with her grand kids up in
Hilton NY, she spended the night up there, Christmas morning she
watched her 3- 2 legged furless grand kids open their presents, then
she came home to us. Miss Jill W. came to check on us Christmas Eve and
then Miss Shirley R came to check on us Christmas morning. Miss Sheri
took care of old lady Kay Christmas morning so mum would not have to
do that when she got home. Mum got home about 11 am to get us all up
to hang out with her.

Suzie Q: Then after Christmas we had more Christmas Miss Michelle and
Mr. James L came to see their far away kids Mau and Marshmallow. They
brought gifts for their far away kids and lots more for others too!
They picked Bear II off the Giving tree so they gots him presents,
and because Snowy Bowie is Marshmallow's cage mate; they brought him
presents too. Then they brought a BIG bag of goodies for the rest of
us shelter kids and a bag of goodies for mum too. We had lots of fun
checking out the presents, you can see us doing that on
<http://www.ferretfarm.org/> if you click on the giving tree icon you
will see the giving tree kids and their presents or if the kids are
sponsored then look in the sponsor link to see them opening their
presents. This is the message mum got from Miss Michelle after they
got home from visiting us.

Miss Michelle: Brenda Thank you so much for your hospitality. We
enjoyed meeting each of the ferrets. James especially had fun playing
with Delilah. I forgot to explain one of the gift bags. In one of the
bags was a ferret shirt, hanging tunnel, and itty bitty cuddle
cup...these are all gently used (washed) items that I figured you could
add to your used inventory on the website. Also, there is a large fish
tunnel that is for all the ferrets to share! Thank you again for having
us, we enjoyed our visit immensely. Please tell Mau and Marshmallow
that they are even more adorable and sweet in person. -Michele and

Possum here: Miss Donna, Miss Ilana, Miss Genevieve came to help mum on
her time off from the big yellow thingy; boy did that time off go fast!
The Ricciardiello family came after Christmas to start the adoption
process, it looks like Izzy and Chloe may have a new home. The Carvalho
family came too. With all the visitors we had over vacation mum's time
off went really really fast.

Suzie Q: When mum went back to work on the 4th our world turned upside
down, this is what happened. Mum's week started out by being asked if
she would do Andrew's run because he was sick with the flu. Mum's
attitude is; she drives a Big Yellow Thingy so what difference does it
make what route she runs?

Mum's normal morning run is simple with 2 special needs kids that go
to Honeoye; mum gets back in time to come home to move us kids before
she has to go get old lady Kay, so the subs get the easy runs the old
timers like mum get to take the longer more complicated routes when the
regular driver is out sick. Doing Andrews run means mum gets to drive
in the dark up over the hills on winding dirt roads with no street
lighting guessing where the next stop might be. It also means she does
not get back until 8:05 so she can not come home to move us kids before
she goes to get old lady Kay, our week had already started to fall

Then mum put her big yellow thingy in the ditch on Tuesday afternoon on
her way back to the barns from her last run, so she did not get home
from work until after 6 pm! See traffic was heavy going both ways so
on a straight away of the road, mum pulled over to the side to allow
traffic behind her to get by; she had one more student stop to make.

After the traffic went by; mum started to pull forward to return to
the road, only as she pulled forward her rear wheels slid in the snow
and went into the ditch. The ditch being more than a few inches deep
allowed the bus to slide into it then listing to the right. Mum was
real gald she and the student had their seat belts on cause they were
sliding off their seats in the same direction the bus was listing.

Mum does our soup and meds at 6 pm so she was scrambling to get that
done, get second shift kids put away, and third shift up. It was after
7 when mum completed all that. Mum was so pooped and stressed she gave
up cleaning third shift cages until morning (no kids in them).

Possum here: MY TURN TO TELL SOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mum was behind the 8
ball on Wednesday morning and the electrician decides that is the day
he is going to come fix the light in the ferret room (no main lighting
in there since before Christmas) so mum shut down 3 of our play rooms
so she could take the barriers down! She wanted the electrician to be
able to come and go without climbing barriers, or letting us kids out
or stepping on us.

It was noon before he was done, that is just one hour before mum has
to go back to work, so now she wants to get the floor steam mopped
before the cabinets and cages are put back in place; so mum shoos the
electrician out and tells him she will clean up the mess. Okay life is
getting back on track! EXCEPT While the electrician was here mum gets
this frantic call from a person in her past life that has 2 ferrets
that need mum's immediate attention BUT this person could not get them
to mum she wanted mum to come get them. Mum has to leave for work in
less than an hour (there are 4 drivers out for various medical reasons
so calling in and getting a sub was not an option) all the subs are
already working.

Mum had the floor cleaned but not enough time to put things back in
place because she needed to see if she could find someone that could
meet up with this person to get these fur kids.

Mum had been trying to get some lunch between all these phone calls
coming in from people that wanted to adopt and or to dump ferrets and
oh yeah J.W. show up at our door. Mum just loves the lady that stops by
but she always seems to manage to come when mum has the least amount of
time to stand still.

Suzie Q: Mum did finally find someone that would meet up to get kids
(Possums Posse at work) so off mum goes to work. The shelter is still
not done but at least mum has things put back in place, no cages are
clean but the kids were not going to be in them till she gets back
from work, so she can do that when she gets home.

The new kids get here about 6 PM; the little girl has a mass between
her hind legs the size of a tangelo. Mum sets up a sick pen away from
the shelter kids to isolate the 2 of them until she can get them to our
favorite Doc. Mum gets our meds done, cages cleaned, second shift kids
put away and third shift up. Mum gets on the phone to our favorite Doc;
the new little girl has an appointment Monday morning.

Both the new kids are happy, severely adrenal is mums guess but they
also smell like cedar so they were living in shavings and OUT SIDE! Mum
says she needs a day or 2 to catch up. Oh she also needs to find the
new kid a ride to our favorite Doc because they want her there at 8 am
Monday morning! Mum does not get done driving the bus until then.

Possum here: Miss Iliana was who met up with the person that had the 2
new kids, when the kids sent Miss Iliana a thank you telling her they
are happy to be here warm and safe but had no names; Miss Ilana named
them Hope and Braveheart. Thanks Miss Iliana for helping mum save 2
kids, and giving them great names! Oh Miss Donna took little Hope to
Our Favorite Doc on Sunday morning; Miss Mary told mum she would meet
Miss Donna at the office so Hope could be there when our favorite Doc
got in to work. The week is over and mum feels like she has been run
over by a truck! Miss Donna comes in Saturday to help mum get the
shelter back in shape, when mum can not run behind us to clean up after
us this place starts looking like she eats Bon-bon's and watches TV
all day! Miss Donna told mum not to worry she would help make it all
better! She sure did, she and mum worked really hard all day Saturday
picking up toys steam mopping floors, putting down new poopy papers the
place looked great by the time Miss Donna left. Mum gets another call
from some people that got their hands on a little albino girl that was
going to be set out to the trash because her owners did not want her
any more. Mum told them bring her on in. Sunday morning the craziness
starts all over again. Miss Stephanie and Mr Tom came down to see us
and bring us fur kid's things. Mum thought she was going to get to meet
Alex the new 2 legged furless kid they had on Christmas day but Alex
got to stay home with her grandma. Then The Boudet family came to see
about adopting a fur kid so before they left they had Ellie all packed
up and going home with them. Then the Carvalho and Ricciardiello family
came again to play with the fur kids that they have fallen in love
with. Miss Genevieve came next. What a day we had with all these humans
coming in to see us; NOT ME MIND YOU! I jumped and danced and NO ONE

Suzie Q: So Possum let me ask you, do you want to go live some place
else and give up your senior reporter job to me?


Suzie Q: Because Possum, the fur kids that are being taken out of their
cages are the ones that will probably be going to their new 4-ever
homes, if you are picked you will have to give up your senior reporter
job to me.

Possum here: Nope No Way am I giving up this job to you!

Suzie Q: Then quit your complaining! We have got to close this news;
Mr. Big is going to have a cow when he sees how long this is this
month. He will be telling mum she needs to fire us!

Suzie Q signing off until next month.

Super Snooper Trooper Senior Reporter signing off until next month too!

Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue/shelter

Petfinder Page

Newest Shelter Video 

Shelter Video


[Posted in FML 6575]