I would like to send a special 'Thank You' to all the members of this
group for their continued support of the many activities that enrich
the lives of so many of our ferrets.

This forum, when used properly, allows an unparalleled exchange of
information, ideas and opportunities for ferret owners, ferret shelter
operators and prospective ferret owners alike.

There are so many good things accomplished within this community; I
hope than no amount of negativity by any individual(s) will ever be
allowed to destroy that goodness. I hope this forum and the people,
old and new alike, will enable the FML to flourish and continue for
years to come. I don't post often, but I read everything.

BIG, you and your fellow moderators, have kept us civil and sane
throughout another year; our thanks and blessings for all your
continuing efforts in our common cause.

On behalf of all the ferrets and humans of the San Antonio Ferret
Enthusiasts (SAFE), we wish each and every one of you a very,
"Happy New Year".

For the ferrets,
Thanks, Dooks and Blessings,

Rick White
SAFE Legislative Affairs  Chair
San Antonio Ferret  Enthusiasts (SAFE)
PO BOX 190042
San Antonio, TX 78220-7000
Tel: (210)  661-9195 / 661-0608

[Posted in FML 6564]