Ferrets have provided me with an on-going learning experience, not
least of all about myself. I had thought that having had an early
diagnosis of Ollies heart problem, well I thought that I was well
prepared for his inevitable early departure. I was so wrong. Its
taken me a couple of days to be strong enough to write this - Im
not sure why this is worse than others, but it is.

Ollie never really got over the loss of Chunky-fuzzle, choosing to
snuggle up to him in an attempt to keep him warm after he passed, his
zest for life was diminished and he was spending more time asleep in
the cage having to be tempted out to play. Ferretone was a source of
joy but only for short moments. Ollie was quieter and less energetic.
Even the attentions of Miss Midge our newest addition couldn't make
up for the loss of his long time friend and mischief maker.

Over Xmas it became obvious he was losing ground and it was clear that
his heart was some of the issue, he was having difficulty in walking
and had lost his appetite. Finally in recent days he would only eat
chicken, fed from my hand, and then chicken baby-food which had to be
licked by him from my finger - he clearly wanted that closeness with
me.. but then he always was a daddies boy, if he started coughing
during the night, he knew I would scoop him up and snuggle him and
reassure him. I resolved that on Saturday we would free him from his
burden and reunite him with Chunky at the rainbow bridge

Friday night having eaten well at 5 pm he declined my attempt to feed
him at 10pm just wanting to snuggle in my arms. I held him in my arms
till 4 am when he slipped away. Somehow, despite knowing that this day
would come all too soon, I wasn't ready to lose him. I was... I cant
describe the feeling, but I really was in pieces, and it hasn't gone
away. this is the third attempt at writing this. This morning, I knew
that if I looked in on the cage that I wouldn't seen those dark eyes
looking up at me.. and that big black nose snuffling at me.

Now it is just the 2 girls, they seem subdued and I'm sure they are
missing him, as am I. I'm sure that Ollie will be reunited with Chunky
and Rhoobarb, and will meet up with those who preceded him. So arriving
at the bridge will be a big handsome off-white/grey roan boy with the
darkest eyes I have seen on a ferret and a big black nose to match.
I'm sure the greeters will take care of my lad. Tonight there are just
2 girls here.. and they don't seem sure on what to do now...

I miss my handsome guy more than I can find words for, the fact that
the tears are still falling tells me that the bond we shared was really
deep. Finally my big guy is free of the effects of his weak heart. I
got Ollie from a small ad - he was a "cool" pet that had lost his
allure after a couple of months and had been left in a shed while his
young owner got on with his life, getting attention only when the guys
mother had the time and remembered him. I'm glad he was able to join
the crew here and that my life was touched by this big gentle fuzzy
bundle of love. Unkie Lee and I had a many debates about him, but I
am adamant that Ollie was not "Stooopid with 3 o's", he just had a
zest for life, and enthusiasm that sometimes took him into things he
shouldn't get into. While he may be across the Rainbow Bridge now, I
am blessed with the memories of the time he shared with us, and am
thankful for it

I am sure he cherishes the piece of my heart that he took with him.
Goodbye Olliefuzzle,and thank you.... we will meet again.. one day

Cris & Unkie Lee (reserve hooman)
Princess Lily and Miss Midge.

Remembering those who stole pieces of my heart
Custard (Cussieangelweezil) my gentle little joker and daddies
Bubbles, (Da Warweezil) first ferret par excellence and leader of the
Skweek (Skweekyweezil) daddies litle earwashing girl and all round
little madam
Rhoobarb (Biteyweezil) Stealth mode attack Ferret and all round
Chunky (Chunkyfuzzle) The most laid back fuzzy ever.
Ollie (Olliefuzzle) Snuggleferret and expert litterbox miner

Called away from this world to dance with the angels at the Rainbow

[Posted in FML 6575]