Not once in the posts about allergies did anyone mention that sometimes
the culprit in not the ferret but the artificial chemical scents put in
the products used to clean and soften laundry, make cat litter smell
beautiful (Ha!) (Some people use it although we all know better,)
perhaps red cedar shavings for bedding, which is toxic to moths,
ferrets, guinea pigs and people. Laundry detergents by Tide, Purex,
Cheer, All and Costco all come in a "free" version without scents or
dyes. Downy makes a "free" liquid softener and there are some dryer
sheets without scents but neither is really necessary for the ferret

Check for these problems and try without if they are used and see if
that helps.

Carol Owens
Ferret Friends, Inc.
Tucson AZ

[Posted in FML 6572]