It is with a very heavy heart that I post this. Last Sunday Brownie
went to the Bridge. I have not been able to write about it and I think
I need too. I know that my others were there to greet him but I just
what to make sure they all got together.

I adopted Brownie from Sandi Robinson, along with his bonded buddy
Billy. hehe (There is a whole nother story to that :) ) Brownie had
not been bought at a pet store and they asked Sandi to take him.

I tried to change his name, but Brownie is what it was and Brownie is
what it stayed. Brownie was with me for 4yrs give or take. He was just
a big brown teddy bear. He loved to snuggle, he loved his brothers and
I loved him so very much.

Last Sunday I had finally put together my new Martin's Cage. I was
bringing it into my bedroom when I stepped back and onto Brownie. I
pulled him out, looked him over, and gave him a cap full of Vivify.
He drink it all and wanted more. I held him and his eyes went glassy,
his gums went paste white and he started breathing labored.

I called the vet I knew of in town (I have just moved to the area), I
got an ER vet # and I called them to get an address, and I took off.
I think Brownie was gone before I got into my car. It may have been
15-20 minutes tops.

This was a senseless accident. He was sleeping. I should of took up all
the bedding so there was no where they could have been I MIGHT have
stepped on them.

But I didn't and now my little Brownie is gone.

Necropsy showed his organs looked good. His heart, lungs, ribs were
great, but his spleen was nice and smooth on top, but bubbly and motley
on the bottom. She could not find any holes in it but there was blood
all in the abdomen and around the spleen were a lot of blood clots.

I am so sorry Brownie. You have no idea how horrible I feel. I will
never forgive myself and I will never forget you. I should of took the
2 seconds it would of took me to pick up The bedding but I didn't and
you had to pay the ultimate price. I am so sorry my little Brown Bear.

Momma loves you so much.

Forever in heart,

[Posted in FML 6537]