It breaks my heart to say this but the Fuzzy Loving Ferret Rescue is
closing it doors to surrenders at least untill I can afford to move to
another town (hopefully in a few years) that apreciates what I do as
a ferret rescue. I know there are some shelter directors out there
that will be very happy to hear for now I'm closing as they have done
nothing but bash & flame me and in their best efforts to bring me down.
They threaten to do what ever it took to close me down and discredit
me as a good and caring rescue owner who only had the ferret's best
intrest at heart by starting rumors about me so no one would adopt any
furkids from me. I never as a rule asked for help from anyone ( I don't
like charity or hadouts) with one exception about 2yrs ago with my
raffle I ran myself where I donated half the items myself. I've never
begged for money to help care for the kids or begged for help to
provide food for them and for the last 11yrs I have taken care of them
all by myself with the help of my husband. I will continue to adopt out
my adoptables to aproved homes untill everyone is placed in forever

It's been a long 6 year fight with my town to keep my rescue open, the
biggest mistake I ever made was being honest with my town about my
rescue. If I had not said a word and tried to keep things legal and
on the up and up, in my eyes I feel I would still be able to serve
the community in taking these angels in, caring for them and finding
them proper forever homes.

To date $10,000-$15,000 mostly of my personal savings/retirement fund
was used to continue the fight over the past 6 years. My funds are
completely exhausted and I don't have the $7,500 my lawyer is asking
to file another apeal. There is enough money from personal earnings to
care for the ferrets but not enough to continue the fight in court.
It's such a shame that I have devoted the last 11yrs to taking in
abused, neglected, abandoned and unwated ferrets only to be forced into
closing because of a town filled with ingnorant and arrogant people.

I again want to thank all of those who entered my raffle almost 2yrs
ago to raise the money I needed to file the apeal at that time which
was held on November 4th 2009 and again I lost because my lawyer
without my knowledge dropped my fight for varrience under conditional
use and my civil suit without asking or discussing it with me first.
He had decided that fighting for the Home Based Business permit was
more important although we found out to be elligable, you had to make
a profit and we ALL know rescues never make a profit and barely break

I had hoped my recient news paper article about my rescue would have
made people inclined to speak on my rescue's behalf to help keep it
open but it apeared my plea for help fell on deaf ears.

I will continue to be a 24/7 help line for anyone who needs help and
will continue to do my referal service. I wish I could do more to help
the ferrets but unfortunately my hands are tied untill I can afford to
move to a town who apreciate ferrets and the rescues who love and care
for them.

If anyone has questions, PLEASE privately e-mail me. I do not wish to
discuss this on an open form any further.

Debi Sadowski
Fuzzy Loving Ferret Rescue Established in 1998

[Posted in FML 6537]