Dear SaraFerret

We have to get you busy again this time take a heping hand as you
greet "Spirit' the Albino and 8 little Sables. Spirit has never been
a healthy ferret and has steadily declined despite meds and care. He
passed a couple of Days ago and should arrive soon as he is helping
8 Sable kits along too, they did get a bad infection/virus and were
getting very sick so we helped them to sleep a peaceful sleep till they
get there. They went one or two at a time and the last 4 together. This
is the Heartbreak Side of helping people enjoy ferrets as pets.

To Spirit and littles (Mum Tuni' is recoverying slowly babes and misses
you most of all) we hoped and tried so hard but it didn't work, and we
miss you all so much and if only it came together for you and us.
Dreams don't always come true, but you stirred our hearts and we send
a little heart with you for ever to keep.

SaraFerret we are sure Shawnee will help and take the kits to be with
the other littles at the Bridge.

Still miss you Shawnee's every day

Michelle and da NZ Clan

Missing Ash, Chrony, Siteva, Latte, Chocolate, and Shorty, Shawnee,
Argon, Crusty, and the Mystic'al rest

A special greeting and thanks to all Da Bridge greeters who keep our
souls and hearts together.

[Posted in FML 6536]