Hi, just wanted to share this pretty video Chet taped of himself
with his ferret, Zee, when he went hiking in the Chickamauga pocket
wilderness here in Tennessee. It's gorgeous there, even on a cloudy,
winter day. They had a blast. When you get to the YouTube url below,
click the "HQ" (high quality/high def) button on the bottom right of
the Youtube player. Turn up your speakers when you watch because
Chets music is in the background.

Friends and family know that my son, Chet, aka Superman, had a terrible
accident at work last spring. After more than an excruciating week of
pain, despite many specialists efforts and two different hospitals, he
lost a piece of his lung. He's Superman to us for many reasons. It's no
suprise to those that know him that he fully recovered in record time.
And it's no shock to us that he has recently taken the challenge of
recovery to a whole new level. He is in training for a 50k trail race.
Part of his training is to hike/jog for several hours each day, and
also to run through rough terrain and even up sides of small mountains
or a couple of hours on other days. He's found many beautiful spots in
South Eastern Tennessee . This particular one that he introduces us to
in the video is very close to where we live. It's recently been made
into a state park in order to save it. Chet takes Zee there several
times a week for hikes and mini runs in the mornings.

Zee is a mini-Superman. Chet found him in a pet store and bought him on
impulse. He was so excited about the cute, tiny, and sweet nature that
he didn't notice that something was seriously wrong with the little
guy. Little Zee was quiet and tiny for a reason ... he was dying. He
was so emaciated that I could loosely wrap my thumb and forefinger
around his chest (like an "okay" sign). He was not tired as a young
Chet supposed, but so weak he could not hold his head up for long. I
took a small phone video to show how skinny and weak he was. I also
took a real video showing that his adult canines had no even begun to
erupt along side of a receipt and "papers" showing he was like 8-9
weeks old. It took days of supportive care night and day to pull him
through and weeks to get to 100%. When his canines broke through, I
took yet another video of his teeth, receipt, and papers in front of
live CNN. He pulled through too and turned into the fattest little
ferret we ever owned for a while.

So, I hope you enjoy this joyful little video of them.

[Posted in FML 6563]