Happy New Year Everyone,

I need some suggestions. I have agreed to watch a free roaming ferret
for a week while his people are going to New Mexico to visit family.
Even though I have a lot of health issues, I agreed to a week. There
was nobody else and I feared he would be left alone. He has never been
in a cage before. We did give them a 4 level cage for Christmas, so the
ferret will be safer here and when he returns home. Can anyone please
let me know how I can make his transition to a cage easier. I know it
will be hard, since his people will be gone and he will be in an
unfamiliar place. I've asked they bring something from their house that
he can sleep in and any toys he may have (but he just sleeps anywhere
he wants) I have one room ferret safe right now. Since it's just after
Christmas, I hurried to remove all Christmas decorations for his
safety. Does anyone have experience with this that they would like
to share? The ferret is coming today. Thanks for your help!

missing Rhett, Scarlet, Lola, Bud, Flower and LeStat

[Posted in FML 6560]