Pester-Doodle and Peekaboo must be spoiled. They won't drink water
unless it is Poland Spring water and is cold. I put other water out
for them but they just look at me and when thirsty they sit there with
their tongues hanging out trying to pull my feelings out. It works.

Not much I can do about that. Is what I have created I guess. They
are spoiled rotten. Peekaboo will now eat only designer raisins
from Argentina and Pester-Doodle will only eat those 'cookies' from
Lithuania. Spoiled rotten I tell ya!

Neither one was happy about being dropped into the snow. Ha! They
wanted OUT of that immediately! Byte-me didn't like the ice and snow
either. Well, so much for that. Life goes on.

Gordon, Peekaboo and Pester-Doodle

[Posted in FML 6556]