My 3 1/2 yr. old male ferret, Diesel, had hair loss on his tail
starting in Sept. It became bald, and also has now gone up his back,
about the size of a quarter, all bald. I assumed adrenal, took him to a
knowledgable vet that specializes in ferrets, rats, hamsters etc. He
drew blood, sent it to Tenn. He said results are "indicative of adrenal
gland disease". HOWEVER, in the past 2 weeks, Diesels hair on his tail
is growing back! He is supposed to start Lupron next week. If he is
indeed adrenal, is it normal for hair to grown back before any
treatment? Does the hair growth indicate that it is not adrenal?

Thanks for any insight you can give me!

Leah in cold, snowy South Jersey

[Posted in FML 6556]