Has any one heard if there is a problem with gifts arriving at FFRSS
Ferret Falls Rescue, Shelter & Sanctuary? I received a weird e-mail
saying to send the gifts to another address cause the p.o. wouldn't
accept them addressed to "Chris". But by the time I received this I had
already sent a gift certificate to both ferrets and there was no way to
change. I e-mailed Chris and told her but never heard back. I have no
idea if they were received or in fact someone else had gotten it. I
have since e-mailed her asking if she ever received them. No word yet.
I just don't want these little fuzzies to not have Santa as I did send
them something.

I don't want to cause problems, I just want to check on this. Thanks
for any imput.


[Posted in FML 6556]