>From: Debbie <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Question about feeding raw meat
>I'd like to integrate some raw and perhaps cooked meat for my kids but
>I really have no idea what meats are best and what precautions I
>should take for raw meats.

Congratulations for offering your ferrets actual meat! This should be
an essential part of their diet. For my ferrets it is the dore of their
diet - that and whole prey. But I'll stick to answering your question.
feeding raw meat to ferrets is quite safe for them. They can eat any
kind of meat you can purchase from a grocery store or butcher shop as
long as it has NO added solutions, broth or seasonings! Some folks also
offer wild game to their ferrets - so far I've only offered Raccoon.
Wild game needs to be investigated closely and watched for Tuleremia in
rabbits and other parasites in Squirrel and Raccoon. There are several
on line sources that can guide you regarding that.

But I get most of my meats right from Walmart, Publix and Save- a Lot
and sometimes the sushi restaurant!

A list of what I've fed includes:
Chicken hearts, gizzards, livers, necks, paws, wings, thighs, backs,
breasts, drumsticks.
Turkey necks, hearts, wing tips.
Cornish Game hen ( entire carcass)
Ox Tails
Pork necks - NOT HAM! and NOT SMOKED!
Rabbit (entire carcass)
Salmon (no bones)
Tuna(no bones) NOT CANNED!
Yellow Tail (no bones)
Sardines (canned in oil or water - bones ok
whole eggs well beaten with pulverized egg shells

also I've fed:
earth worms
Super worms and crickets
(not to mention mice, rabbits, rats, guinea pigs, chicks)

feeding raw meat is generally introduced as tiny minced pieces near or
on top of their kibble, then mixed in with their mash/soup. Gradually
the pieces get larger until they are eating entire hunks. Bones and

Wash your hands before and after handling the meats or use rubber
gloves (that get washed) or even disposable gloves. Use anitbacterial
wipes on the cutting surfaces and the cutting utensils (I use poultry

Feed the ferrets in one spot, make a feeding den for them. A dark
rubbermaid tub on its side works well, so does a cardboard box. The
tub of course needs wiping clean, but the box can be discarded after
a few days. I get empty boxes from Wal-mart or Save-A-Lot.

Other than washing your own hands and utensils there really is no major
issue with feeding raw!

IF raw is to become more than a supplement to your kibble ( and I for
one encourage a full transition, then PLEASE be aware that your ferret
MUST have raw BONEY items not JUST meat - otherwise you will short
change him on nutrients - especially where minerals are concerned!

Eating raw offers his system more moisture, and a change in gut
bacteria - it will NOT be uncommon for him to have loose stools. And
they will change in color according to what he is eating. Higher fat
content will produce light colored sometimes beady stools, higher blood
content (liver, heart and some dark meats) will cause the stools to be
very dark almost black and oftten like pudding. Higher bone content
will create tan to brown or grey deposits that often are lumpy.

Check out Naturalferrets.com and Holistic ferrets proboards for more
info on this too!

Welcome to the Raw world!
Hope this helps!

please visit : for ferret help and info:
yahoo groups Natural Ferrets

[Posted in FML 6554]