I forgot to mention my Little Frazzle Dazzle, when I rescued her, she
was in a filthy carrier with only about 6 inches to move around in the
rest of the cage was filled with, well you know. No water and food. Her
skin was all broken out and her ribs were showing. She was so active
that she would "Frazzle" your nerves. She was a little sable, always on
the move, she was raised with the "Bears" Silver & Coco (they were both

I fee; awlful I missed her. She was so much like Bonnie, that I often
get them mixed up. I only had 3 girls and 2 were sables. I can never
forget Frazzel, she escaped the Motor Home at BearFoot, in S.C. and
lead us on a trip under all kinds of RV's just keeping a step ahead of
us. It was after dark. It was a wonder we didn't get arrested crawing
under RV's with a flashlight, shaking a can of ferret treats and
ferrettone. After about 20 minutes she decided she had enough fun and
it was time to come home. Not to mention that Ferrets were illegal in
South Carolina at the time.

Thank you Sara Ferret, I am sure I got them all now.

[Posted in FML 6554]