Just want to advise everyone that FACT (the Ferret Association of CT)
has initiated a monthly eMail newsletter. I'll be happy to send a copy
of the first issue. Just shoot me an email.

Should you want to subscribe, please send an email to
[log in to unmask] and we will add you to the mailing list. Right
now adds and requests to delete are handled manually until we narrow
down the automated service that will give us the best service/deal. ;)

The newsletter will consist of a general information article and will
feature both a currently available adoptee as well as a foster ferret.
We will also feature a shelter benefit item. Possibly in the future we
will be seeking sponsor ads, but that will be down the road!

Our first issue went out last week (as those of you on the FML who are
on our email list know) and the response has been very positive. This
is going to supplement our regular bi-monthly, printed newsletter and
help us reach more folks with information more quickly. And, the best
part - it IS free! :)

Please rest assured, you won't be spammed every other day; nor do we
sell, lend or otherwise let anyone use any of FACT's database of snail
or email addresses. Your information will only be used with the utmost
care. We may use it for a unscheduled random ferret emergency event
but rest assured that while we love dogs, cats, wild mustangs, Alaskan
wolves, Amazon parrots, the Nile crocodile and wish we could save the
krill that ensures the survival of whales; you won't hear from us about
those or any other animal welfare subjects that are or may become
personally dear to our hearts!).

In short, we will keep it for and about ferrets!

Ann Gruden
President, Ferret Association of Connecticut, Inc.

[Posted in FML 6549]