We've just been thru a very nasty bout of some kind of flu over the
last 3 weeks. All of our ferrets caught it, but not at the same time.
It started with fever and chills, then went on to affect their
respiratory systems such that they could not breathe thru their noses
and were sneezing and wheezing a lot. They had to breathe thru their
mouths, making eating very tough, and something they wouldn't do
without assistance. In order to make sure they got enough food and
water we had to spoon feed them their soup 3 or 4 times daily. The
one thing that we found that helped a great deal with the respiratory
problems was a Vicks Vaporizor. It cost just $20 at the local CVS, but
proved invaluable in helping to make them more comfortable until they
got thru it, which was more than a week.

In Memory of Trinny, Neo, and Mr. Parker
Caring for Morphy, Baby Girl, Luna, Dozer, and Possum the Million
Dollar Ferret

[Posted in FML 6549]