>Does anyone know of any safety problems with the newer Ferret Nation
>Shelf design?

Yes. Unfortunately, there is a gap between the wire frame for the shelf
and the plastic insert. My Addie went to jump down from the shelf and
got both of her hind feet caught in that gap. It broke the bones in
both feet.

When I complained to Midwest, they said the same thing: You must have
the old design. The new one is safe. This was a brand-new cage, but
giving the benefit of the doubt, I took pictures of my cage and shelf
and sent them to Midwest. They confirmed that I have the new design,
and still claimed that it's just fine, despite having caused injury.

I'm not impressed. I have since sewed shelf covers that completely
enclose the shelf. It's the only way I feel safe now.

Kevin Farlee

[Posted in FML 6547]