I am having so much fun this year with the Giving Tree that I just
have to post. Every year when the tree goes up, I go through the pages
looking for the bald babies. (I just love those bald babies). It's
getting harder and harder to find them now with Lupron and Meletonin.
But this year I found one and another cutie from the same shelter.

Now I know this is all about the ferrets. But I gotta tell you, I am
getting tons out of this too. It has been sooooo much fun. Right away
the shelter owner (love you Denise) sent me pictures and little stories
about my little tree babies. It was great to get to know them a bit. A
few days later I got a couple of more pictures. I feel like I really
got to know these little guys. It has been so much fun.

If you have never participated with the Giving Tree, jump in now. I
think there is still some ferrets left. It's a win/win for everyone!

Happy Holidays everyone,
Robin, Super Tonks, Hoops, Yoyo, and the wee Angel

[Posted in FML 6542]