Dearest BridgeGreeters,

It is with a heavy heart that I write this request, a request that
has taken me almost a month to be able to write. My dearest little
champagne girl, Lily, passed in a freak accident on November 19th, and
I am worried that she is all alone up there at the Rainbow Bridge -- I
wasn't with her when she passed, and being that she was so young (not
even 2), we never talked about the Bridge, nor does she have any family
up there. So, BridgeGreeters, please make sure my Lily-Billy is okay
and happy. Her friends Merlin, Deuce, Freckles, and especially her
partner in crime, Chewy miss her greatly, as do I.

Lily's accident was a reminder to me, and everyone that I can tell,
that no cage is perfectly safe. Lily was given to me by the pet store
that I work at where they had dubbed her "Heathen" because she bit and
drew blood on everyone, except me. She was immediately accepted by my
group, and her and Chewy became fast, nearly inseparable friends, even
preferring his company to the small female, Freckles, that I brought in
to give her some female companionship. Within a month of living with
me, she turned into an absolute sweetheart with spunky streaks --
always pushing the boundaries but knowing how to charm mom into not
being upset with her. Her coat was gorgeous and she would try anything
at least once; after all, she had so much to check out and always had
to keep the boys in check. On November 19th, my fiance was the last
to leave the house around noon; he checked on the ferrets in their
two-story Ferret Nation cage before leaving and all was well. During
that day, somewhere in the course of her playing (stashing chew
stuffs), she had managed to get one of the bottom corners of the bottom
ramp lodged under her little shoulder blade; upon examination, it
appeared that she struggled to the point of breaking her neck. By the
time that I arrived there around 9:30, my sweet little Lily was gone,
with Chewy laying protectively over her body, and the ramp still stuck
under her shoulder-blade.

Of course, we will never know for certain what exactly transpired, as
no one was home. She was an extremely healthy, robust fuzzbutt; with no
signs of seizures or other ailments. So on behalf of Lily-Billy and all
the other fuzzies that have passed on this list, please go hug your
ferrets today -- you just don't know if they will be there tomorrow.

I apologize for the length of this, I am new to the FML and just felt
Lily's story needed to be told.

Thank you,
Betsy and the remaining fuzzbutts (Merlin, Deuce, Chewy, and Freckles)

[Posted in FML 6542]