Good Morning,

I am late in getting this bridge greeting request to No. 421. So much
going on with the living on earth and inability to type without
breaking down in cascade of tears.

Our little nippy girl, Dagmar, decided to leave us on the Wednesday
before Thanksgiving. She was lonely without her two big brothers and
the cancer was just unstoppable.

Please No,. 421. You met her big brother and protector, Cole ... who
met Skye and Reagan .... and Wicked, the other brother of the trio of
beautiful black sables -- all at the Bridge now.

Dagmar was a very little feisty girl who was a little nippy and not
very human-friendly up until she became ill this fall and then became
very sweet and loved to be hand-fed. She must have known then that I
always loved her even though we never were as close as her brothers and
I were -- except at the end. I miss her and her brothers. All were my
own pet ferrets as was Reagan and Skye - even though Skye was a
"spokesferret" also.

Fly high and free my little happy now. You no longer have to
be alone and in pain. I am sure by now you have met up with your big
brothers - let them know nothing has changed and that you are still the
"boss." I miss all of you soo much its almost unbearable. Tell Skye
that am proud of him for continuing on as a caregiver at the Bridge.
And tell Reagan he will always be my sweet sweet silver!

To my sweet boys and to Dagmar, I love you still...and always will. We
will meet again someday....wait for me. ( the tears....)

Mommy Maren.

[Posted in FML 6540]