The only Deslorelin that will help ferrets is a 4.7 mg implant that
currently can only be acquired from Australia or England. It is made
for dogs but is the right size to be effective for ferrets, and it
lasts 9 months or more. We recently got one for our older girl Trinny.
A vet must get approval from the FDA, which isn't difficult any more,
then go thru the proper channels and steps to get it imported and thru
customs without too much delay. I have the contact info for Peptech in
Australia if anyone needs it. They will guide you or your vet thru the
steps you need to take. My vet recently got a 4-pack from them.

In Memory of Neo and Mr. Parker
Caring for Trinny, Morphy, Baby Girl, Luna, Dozer, and Possum the
Million Dollar Ferret

[Posted in FML 6528]