It was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was busy crocheting toys
for de kits at de Bridge (ah dere were so many of dem). She had such a
big stack of dem sitting by her side and she was thinking how much de
little kits at de orphanage would love dem. All of a sudden, she heard
heard a crash and looked up. OOPS, apparently someone had miscalculated
landing; sure enough dere was Dexter lying on her floor. He gave
hisself a little shake and got up and said,

"Uh, SawaFewwet, sowwy about the hole in your woof. I gets that fixed
wights away. But anyway, I has this note from the Boss. I guess I got
my landing gear all mixed up and went thwu your woof instead of at your
door. Buts you best gets over to the entwance and meets these fewwets,
as you knows how unhappy the Boss gets when you make the fewwets wait.
Is there anyone you want me to gets?"

SaraFerret looked at de hole in her roof and sighed and took de note.
She read it and realized that she had better hurry. So she told Dexter
dat dere was no need for him to fetch anyone, but to work on her
"woof". And she headed for de entrance.

There I saw a blaze boy and a dew girl and a little albino waiting for
here at de entrance (Oh My, here I wastes my precious time with Dexter
and left dese poor old souls waiting for me). So I quickly introduced
myself to dem,

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have no more pain
or suffering and you will run on green grass forever. You will have
lotsa friends to play with. Did I mention all de fun and games?"

The little DEW spoke first, "I am Wilma and I guess I am the boss of
this group as most girls are. The blaze here is Peppy and he can't hear
so there is no use asking him any questions. And the albino over there
is Chex. We all came from Missy Susan's place. She told us all about
you and what a great place this was and for us not to be afraid. This
place looks pretty, but the only ferrets we see are you and us. Are
they hiding somewhere? How come some people on earth are just so mean
and dump us ferrets when we get sick and don't want us? They sure
wanted us when we were young and cute. But when they gave us to Missy
Sue they gave some kind of silly excuse like they had to move somewhere
that didn't allow ferrets."

Just then Peppy, the deaf blaze spoke up, "Hey wait a minute, I can
hear everything you said. It's like a miracle. You can ask me any
question you want. I agree that Missy Susan was such a sweet person
for taking care of us. But we was just too sick for the vet to help
us. Guess our other folks waited too long to give us to her."

I sighed, "Wilma I agree dere are some people on earth dat are NOT
nice, dey even treat dere own kind just as bad and toss dem away just
like dat. But dere are good people who took you in so you could spend
your last days with love. As for other fuzzies, maybe dey are hiding.
We will have to go find dem later and hunt dem down. It will be a bit
like hide-and-go-seek which is a fun game. But I have a big surprise
for you. Each of you will be getting your own set of wings just like
I have--well not exactly like mine--yours will be special for you."

So all four of went down de path to de Wing House where de wings were
stored. We opened de door and on de counter were boxes marked--"Chex"
"Wilma" "Peppy". Chex opened his box first and took out his wings--
bright green with black streaks. I helped him put on his wings and
Wilma adjusted his halo. Den Wilma opened her box and took out wings--
bright blue with silver streaks. Again I helped her put on her wings
and Peppy adjusted her halo. Finally Peppy opened his box and took out
his wings--bright lavender with pink streaks. This time Wilma helped
him put on his wings and I adjusted his halo. One by one each went to
stand in front of de big vanity mirror to gaze at dere reflection. Den
dey turned to me and in unison dey said, "Gee I wish Mommy Susan could
see us now." Den I gots an idea.

So we opened de door and went down de path to de Misting Pond and sat
down beside de cool clear water. With one swish we saw a vision of
Mommy Susan and Brother Josh appear. Dey got so excited dey started
waving and dooking with all of dere might.

"We love you so much. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for taking
care of us. We are sorry we couldn't have stayed longer. You were so
very good to us."

Den each of dem began to throw hugs and kisses and laid dem on a nearby
shooting star which was headed to your house and by de time you should
read dis it should have landed dere. And with another swish de vision
was gone.

We left dere and went down another road and saw a large gathering
of fuzzies in front of a cottage with a sign dat said "Welcome to
Razorback Lodge." (I had to think for a bit--oh yeah-Arkansas-
Razorback-it figures--anything to remind dem of home--fuzzies are so
smart). I could hear music a-playing. De fuzzies gathered around to
invite dere new members in even though dey had never met. But now dey
were all family now. I could see all sorts of food laid out (everything
that had been forbidden on earth). Mercy, dese Arkansas fuzzies sure do
know how to party--tailgaters perhaps? I was invited to stay, but I had
to get back to my cottage to see how de repairs to my roof (woof as
Dexter called it) were going. So I gave de newcomers hugs and said my
good byes.

So ended another greeting at de Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6506]