As we prepare our Ferret Towers and Slides to head to the AFA Winter
show held in York PA on December 4th and 5th, we thought we would
remind people of this show, which for those of you who have never
attended the show, it is one that is well worth the visit. With the
holidays just around the corner, if you are looking for unusual ferret
items or taking time out of your busy schedules to sit back and watch
the judging of such gorgeous ferrets, this is the place to be. AFA
Winter Show - York PA - December 4th, Friday evening and Dec. 5th

We also would like to thank those that allowed us to be a part of their
Secret Santa gifts to some shelters on The Giving Tree. Your generosity
has already been acknowledged by these shelters.

If there is a Shelter that you would like to purchase a Tower or Slide
for, we have discounted the items to $ 89.95 plus shipping but they
must go to a Shelter that you are willing to tell us about and it must
be one that can be verified.

If you volunteer at a Shelter and you know of others that also
volunteer there - touch base with them and see if they would like to
assist in the purchase, 9 people @ $ 10.00 each can have the Tower or
Slide paid for other than shipping.

If anyone needs a Tower or Slide by Christmas, please allow for the
time it takes to be made and then the additional time for shipping
during the Holidays.

We, as a Shelter would like to thank all of you who have supported our
shelter with the purchase of items on our web site - and those of you who purchase items from us at the
shows. It has helped us enormously with the food, melatonin implants
and routine vet care.

If you need to reach us, it is easier to use the [log in to unmask] email
address than our gmail address.

Happy Holidays to all,
Cindy, Tom and The Ferret Villa Shelter ferrets of Northern KY

[Posted in FML 6531]