It was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret and de kits, Serena and
Isabel, were at Lily Lake enjoying themselves. She was content to
build sand castles, but de kits had other ideas. Dey decided to bury
her in de sand. So... she fell asleep. Den she kept hearing her name,
"SawaFewwet, SawaFewwet." Surely this must be a dream. But den Serena
nudged her and told her dat Dexter was here. So she got herself out of
de sand and sure enough dere was Dexter with a note in his paw and
wowsie was he upset,

"SawaFewwet, I has a note from the Boss about two fewwts cwossing the
Bwidge and all you is doing is sleeping. I has been twying to wakes
you for a long time. And all you do is sleep all the time. You best
get busy and wun over to the entwance and gweet these fewwets. For all
you know they could be lost somewhere in the wilderness. Now is there
anyone you need me to get. I wead the note alweady."

I took de note and read it myself and told Dexter he could go back to
courier camp. Den I sent Serena and Isabel to pick up de right fuzzies.
(Dis way I knew dat they would get de right ones, not rabbits, like he
did a few times-where did he get dose rabbits anyway). Den I headed for
de entrance.

Sure enough dere were two fuzzies, one light sable little girl and one
DEW boy with a heavy backpack, waiting at de entrance. So I quickly
introduced myself,

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have no more pain
or suffering and you will run on green grass forever. You will have
lotsa friends to play with. Did I mention de fun and games?"

The fuzzies looked at me and the girl spoke up, "My name is Missy and I
belong to Mommy Debby. I was real tired and sick and I knew it was my
time to leave and so Mommy told me about you and we went to visit the
vet and so we are here. I loved my time there. I used to be a fear
biter according to Mommy cause ppl were mean to me, but Mommy loved me
so much that I quit that. Wasn't that good of here."

Den the DEW said, "Well my name is Little Bitz. I was kinda sick--I had
a megaessomething. I was the only one that Ozzy allowed to sleep with
him in his harem. By the way-where is Ozzy? Mommy said he would be
here. All I see is you and Missy. I got sick just like Missy. You know
how it goes, when us ferrets get so tired we don't want to get out of
bed and dance and just want to lie in bed and we get that look, its our
time to leave, well we knew."

I tried to answer dere questions. "Missy and Little Bitz, its nice to
meet you. If you are patient you will meet Ozzy in a while. In fact
dere are lotsa fuzzies here dat will be happy to see you. I do know who
you are talking about as I have greeted Ozzy before. I am sure dat you
Mommy is wonderful. By de way, Little Bitz, what do you have in your

He asked me, "You aren't gonna take it away from me are you? Don't you
have things of your own?" "Oh no," I replied. "Its just dat its been
so long since I have been on earth dat I am just curious to see what
others are bringing along with dem." So he unzipped his pack and took
out a stuffed xmas cowboy dat played xmas songs (very cool) and one
octopus. We listened to de cowboy for a few minutes and den he
carefully put dem back in his pack (difficult to do).

Then I showed them my wings. They had noticed them but Missy thought
maybe they were some kind of growths and didnt want to be rude (how
polite). But I assured her dat they were actually wings dat could be
put on and taken off. And they would each be getting their very own
special pair. They were great for flying about de heavens--sure beat
hoppin from cloud to cloud.

So off we went down the de path to de Wing House where de wings were
stored. We opened de door and on de shelf were big boxes marked Missy
and Little Bitz. (I thought to myself "Where oh where is Ozzy -- he
should have been here by now.") Missy opened her box first and took
out her wings--neon blue. I helped her put on her wings and Little Bitz
adjusted her halo. Den he opened his box and took out his wings-- neon
green with black streaks--sure to show up on his white fur. Missy
helped him put on his wings and I adjusted his halo. Den they ran to
de big vanity mirror and each in turn gazed at dere reflections. Den
dey turned to me and said, "Gee I wish Mommy Debby could see us now."
Den I gots an idea.

We went out de door. And to dere surprise there was Ozzy and Daisy Mae
and Mimi to greet dem. Oh there was such excitement at this reunion!
Finally dey all calmed down and we went down de path to de Misting Pond
and sat down beside de cool clear water. With one swish we saw a vision
of Mommy Debby appear. Dey all got so excited dey started waving and
dooking with all of dere might.

"We love you Mommy. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for rescuing us.
Thank you for your mercy. We love you so much. We have wings now. We
found our friends--Ozzy and Daisy Mae and Mimi are here. Everything is
beautiful here. We aren't tired anymore."

Den dey began to throw hugs and kisses and laid dem on a nearby
shooting star and by de time you should read dis it should have landed
at your house. And with another swish de vision was gone.

So we left dere and we headed, not to dere cottage, but to another
place. Lily Lake-where a picnic was planned. Loads of fuzzies had
showed up. Dere was all sorts of food-esp those forbidden on earth like
pepsis and chocolate. Serena and Isabel were there. We was invited to
stay and dance. So I decided to heck with sleep, dat could wait till
later. After all, us fuzzies were meant to dance always and to dance
with joy. Of course, I saw Ozzy dancing with Missy and Little Bitz
dancing with Daisy Mae and Mimi dancing with someone else.

Life is so good at de Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6524]