But this time with HUGE THANK YOU*s!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your response to Julies' horrible situation was amazing!!! A million
thank you's wouldn't be enough! Thanks to another amazing shelter (only
the names have been changed, she doesn't want to end up jailed for
transportation of drugs illegally, haha, thinks all of her shelter
ferrets would stand and point and laugh) we have Lupron!!!!! Well we
will by Friday!!! Wheheww! Leave it to another shelter!! You rock Irene
(like I said wrong name;) Must deeply thank another shelter volunteer
who offered theirs but thankfully we were in a position to let them
keep and use it themselves;) You people really know how give a renewed
hope in mankind.. I'm not kidding...

It was about 3 days ago Julie was literally pulling out her hair.. she
had no one to turn to and times were extremely bleak.. Just imagine for
a minute the thought of actually losing your son because his dad had
secretly dropped his medical, and you have no money left to buy him his
300.00 life saving medicine. On top of that, having lost both your 14
year old companion dog and your ferret the day before... now 2 ferrets
in your shelter are having emergency needs (lupron) and there is
nothing left... This all happening in a matter of 3 days..... Well I
can't... I watched the agony this darling young lady went thru.. I
heard her pain, shared it with you and you came to her rescue!! How

We had Shelters/Hospices that have no money themselves offering their
daily food allowance to help...(no we didn't take it but the kind Heart
that wrote that Email was as good as getting a million bucks;) People
as far away as Quebec Canada helping... You guys constantly blow me
away... Thank you from the deepest pit of my stomach...

My hubby and i lost our last ferret after nearly 3 decades of being
loved by many, last week... Never a time did I think it would happen
but we are going "ferretless" for a long while to give our hearts room
to heal... I did know one thing tho...no way could I ever go away from
the most wonderful people I have ever had an opportunity to know.. I
may be without my babies love (ohhh its always in my Heart;) but I knew
I needed you ... Days like today reminded me why (tho I already knew)

Julie still has a giant bill to pay and money has come in to help that
too..thankfully, as yet another elderly male ferret has been getting
wayyy too frisky with the ladies and his men friends, hahaha....(and
he's not on Viagra)...too bad some of the elderly men on this planet
don't get adrenal, hahaha! So another ferret will need lupron or
hopefully she can get him on the list for the new implants.. They truly
sound like a god send!!

Wanted to mention I transposed numbers on my message last night (I will
plead insanity, I had just driven in a storm over 2 hours in horrendous
traffic when I wrote it) So...the correct number to julies vet is :

If you were going to send but couldn't get thru please still try...it
works I promise! Everything will go to these needy little guys and
Julie will have a minute to catch her breath...something she richly

Ok book written...last chapter the BEST EVER!!!! 

Thank you deeply for your help and kind words... It means the world to
both Julie and me...

Love and huge hugs,
Tara, Julie , Stewie, a little girl ferret and now...Owen the horn dog
ferret, Xoxoxoxoxo

[Posted in FML 6521]