Can those that have babies that are folicly challenged tell me what
they do to help them keep warm. My Tauvi was tested for adrenal a year
or so ago and was neagative. She is losing hair but shows no other
classic signs of adrenal. She is 8 and her coat is thinned to being
able to see skin on her back. The top of her hips are near bald and her
neck, head, chest, tail and legs have a good coat. She is happy active
and maintains her attitude. I worry that while she is wandering the
house she may be cold as I often pick her up and she is shivering.....
and its well after she has woken up. She has lots of blankets, fuzzy
tunnels, fish, and octopus to sleep in to stay warm but what about
while she plays and terrorizes the house?

Dooks and dances

[Posted in FML 6521]