not sure if this will make it in for wednesday's posting, but...
hoping for good wishes, prayers, blessings, positive energy and
thoughts...again. :-/

pixie goes in for surgery tomorrow (wednesday) morning. she'll have her
back leg amputated at the hock, and about 3/4ths of her tail, too. her
front foot is still under watch. i'm nervous and apprehensive; she;s
been thru so much and i hope all goes well. afterwards, there'll be
healing and adjustments to be made, for all of us.

i want to thank everyone here again so much for all your goodwill up to
now; you're all the greatest! and to those who have shopped my etsy
site to help out with the vet bills, bless you all, your generosity has
been overwhelming! it has been a huge huge help to us with our current

i'll post and let everyone know how things go tomorrow, and another
thanks for listening to me carry on about's been a long and
trying 3 weeks. :-/

best wishes to everyone here,

~sherrie (aka daoine o') and the pixie-doodle

burleigh and shay, hoping pixie can come play with them and return to
the 'big cage' soon

and all those over the bridge...

[Posted in FML 6520]