It was a lovely day at de Bridge. In fact it was so nice dat SaraFerret
decided dat she she would just lie out in de sun with de cool gentle
breezes blowing over her. After all, it was her day off. But all of a
sudden, she heard de flutter of wings and de whisper of a small voice.
She knew at dat moment she could no longer rest so she got up and saw
Mimi, de little courier, with a note in her paw.

"SaraFerret, I know you have been busy, but the Boss has a special
request for you to check on a ferret. Do you remember Rustle who
crossed the bridge a short time ago. His daddy would like to know
how he is doing?"

Did I remember Rustle? Well of course who could forget him. Hmmm, I had
to go check on my notes to see where he lives. I kept my private notes
in de cottage separate from de big logbook--who knew why I kept dis
particular fuzzy; it was so rare dat I kept notes except on close
friends who came from my business on earth.

Aha--dere I found it. Oh it was meant to be a greeting except no one
had requested one. I was just getting ready to throw it away. Good
thing I didn't. Lets see.

Rustle was a handsome black sable who crossed de bridge with a heavy
backpack. He told me he had come from a previous owner who let him play
in de woods, but then he was rescued by a nice shelter dad named Jim.
He asked me if I knew Jim. Well I told him I knew of Jim, but of course
I had never met him. He showed me what was in his backpack which was
filled with leaves from earth and in a small cloth bag (which he
couldn't open) was a small piece of Daddy Jim's heart. He carefully put
it all back in his backpack and we went to get his wings. Oh the wings
were so beautiful--blue with silver streaks--he admired dem so much. He
met all of his friends Linus and Sophie.

Enough with de remembering. I had to go get him and tell him about de
note. So off I flew to dere cottage. Sure enough, dere was Rustle
playing with his friends.

"Rustle," I said. "I have a note from your daddy, Jim. He wants to know
if you made it safely here and how you are doing. So we must go to de
Misting Pond so we can send a message to him."

Rustle kept chattering to me all the way to de Pond, (well of course
de other Kennedy fuzzies came along also). "What did Daddy say? What
should I do?"

"Don't worry, Rustle. Just say de magic words and it will just take
care of itself and your Daddy will know dat you are okay."

Finally we arrived and sat down beside de cool clear water and with one
swish we saw a vision of Daddy Jim appear. He looked up as though he
could see us. Rustle got so excited he started waving and dooking with
all of his might.

"I love you Daddy. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for rescuing me.
I have beautiful wings now and I can fly. I feel so much better now and
I no longer hurt. I have friends now and when I find leaves I run thru

Den he began to throw hugs and kisses and wrapped one magic leaf with
all of his love and laid dem on a nearby shooting star which was headed
to your house and by de time you should read dis it should have landed
dere. And with another swish de vision was gone.

As we left dere, Rustle and I chatted. He said, "Do you think Daddy
noticed that I left my heart there on earth when I left. Each time he
came home my heart was waiting for him. Each time he took a shower my
heart took a drink and each time he got up from bed my heart was always
there." "Rustle," I replied. "I am sure, your Daddy knows how much you
loved him so very very much."

And so we all went our separate ways at de Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6519]