Our newest ferret member, Sonya Rose, is mostly blind. She's been here
four or five months I think. She used to scream like crazy whenever
any ferret got near her and pooped all over herself, that ferret, and
whatever else came in contact with them.

Over the months she has gotten a bit better. I tossed her in the cage
with everyone else, because the vet said she'd live another couple of
years and I didn't want to deal with separate cages. Also, the one
ferret she was okay with, Old Moe, seemed to prefer kenneling with
the younglings.

Sonya has gotten to where she'll accept cuddles from Old Moe, Jared,
Mimzy, and sometimes Ursa. My little "angel" Gracie still attacks her,
so Sonya still screams when she realizes Gracie is near. The other guys
walk up to her slowly, let her sniff them and figure out it's safe, and
them snuggle her.

She doesn't play with anyone. She occasionally walks through a tube,
and she walks around the edges of the rooms she's allowed in.


[Posted in FML 6517]