It was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was busy picking up all
de toys de kits had left laying around de cottage. When would dey ever
learn to pick up dere things. All of a sudden she heard a knock at de
door. She went to open it and dere stood Mimi, de little girl courier,
with a note in her paw,

"SaraFerret, a ferret is crossing the bridge. So the Boss has requested
that you go greet her. Is there anyone you want me to fetch? Oh yes,
here is the note."

I took de note and read it and nodded my head. Then I sent Mimi to pick
up de right one and headed for de entrance. I was just in time to see a
elderly sable girl fuzzy reach de entrance. So I introduced myself,

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have no more pain
or suffering and you will run on green grass forever. You will have
lotsa of friends here. Did I mention de fun and games?"

De little girl looked at me and said, "My you do have such a strange
accent. Are you one of those American ferrets? My Papa told me there
might be some of those here. He was such a loving papa. I will miss him
so much. Do you know him? He said I might find a friend of mine here,
but all I see is you, so I guess I will just have to make the best of
it. I can be friends with you if you like. Do you have a place I can
stay? This is a very pretty place and the sky is blue and the grass is
really green (I know I picked up a piece and chewed it). I do feel much
better since I arrived as Papa said I would so I know he wasn't just
telling me stories to make me feel better about leaving. Oh yes, My
name is Primrose."

"How nice to meet you, Primrose. I guess I was an American ferret on
earth-dere are many of us here at de Bridge, but dere are many from all
over de earth. I don't know your Papa, but I am sure dat he was very
good to you. As for a friend, just be patient and we might find one
for you as well as a place for you to stay. And oh yes, you have
another surprise in store for you. Do you see dese wings I have on my
shoulders? You are gonna get your very own special pair. Dey are so
great for flying about de heavens--sure beats hoppin from cloud to

With that, we both began walking down de garden path to de Wing House
where de wings were stored. But at de door, Primrose got a surprise!
Her old cagemate Felix was waiting dere for her--now she knew dat she
wasn't alone. Such hugs! Den we opened de door and on de counter was a
big box (of course). She opened de box and took out de wings--Neon blue
with black stripes--just perfect for a sable who had lived so long on
earth. I carefully helped her put on her wings and Felix adjusted her
halo. Den she ran to de big vanity mirror and gazed at her reflection.
Den she turned to me and said "Gee I wish Papa Tony could see me now."
Ah I gots an idea.

So off we went down de path to de Misting Pond and sat down beside de
cool clear water. With one swish we saw a vision of Papa Tony appear.
Primrose got so excited dat she started waving and dooking with all of
her might.

"I love you Papa. Thank you for loving me for so long. Thank you for
letting me rummage thru things and never getting upset. I am feeling
ever so much better now. I found Felix. I have wings now and soon I
will be able to fly."

Den she started to throw hugs and kisses and laid dem on a nearby
shooting star which was headed to your house and by de time you should
read dis it should have landed dere. And with another swish de vision
was gone.

So we left dere and went down the road to a cottage where we could see
a party was in progress. We opened de door and "SURPRIZE PRIMROSE" rang
out. It was a welcome party from de English fuzzies at de bridge. You
could see all de food laid out. Den de music started playing. Fuzzies
started dancing. I was invited to stay and dance and eat. But I had
things to do, so I took Primrose aside and gave her a hug and said my

As I headed home, I thought to myself, gee I didn't think us American
fuzzies had such an accent, but oh well.

So ended another greeting at de Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6516]