My parents and I have all been sick with the flu. More likely than not
it's H1N1. We're almost completely recovered and are just left with
really bad coughs. Even with all our precautions, the ferrets got it

Lillie came down with it first on 10-28-09. We rushed her to the vet,
where she was given a prescription for Amoxicillin. A day later Chibi
and Frankie caught the flu from their cagemate even though we made sure
to separate them. They're now on their second bottle of Amoxicillin.
Chibi was hit the hardest and is recovering a lot more slowly than her
friends. She's had to be force-fed both soup and water.

I'm so worried for my fuzzies, especially Chibi. Lillie and Frankie are
nearly recovered. Chibi is doing a bit better but she's not out of the
woods yet. Thank God they don't have any other health problems.


[Posted in FML 6510]