I answered an ad for 3 ferrets and told the person what we had fixed
up for our wee ones. Well, she decided that we was not suitable. Then
yesterday I got a email about them and if we would still like to have
them.We went to see the lady and daughter, we stayed just about 2 hr.
The dog Josie met us at the door, she smelled me all over and decided
that I was ok. I helped look for the ferrets, found them. So JoJo was
with us and he was in heaven, ferrets to play with him. I picked up
the smallest one named Baby, held her and gave her all kinds of loving.
Baby stayed in my arms all the time we were there.

Baby, Roxy, Cali, Buddha. 3 girls and 1 boy, so now we have 4 girls,
3 boys. No fights just exploring their new home, climbing up the cage
knocking down my trays of walnuts.


[Posted in FML 6497]