Today begins the last week of anxiety with last minute preparations for
the MFF Faire.

Saturday, October 17, 2009
The Grand Inn,
Grand Rapids, MI

Open to the public at 9AM

Our Specialty Rings are:
Albino/Dark-eyed White, Chocolate, Cinamon/Champagne, Sable/Black
Sable, Silver, Blaze/Badger, Point Siamese, Mitt/Panda, Senior (NOTE:
walk-ins accepted up to 30 minutes before class starts, $15 entry fee)

Our judges are 2 vet techs from the Baker College Licensed Veterinary
Technician Program in Muskegon, MI and 1 graduated vet tech who was a
judge for us last year.

We are fortunate again this year to have Dr. Rebecca Vincent from the
Animal Medical Center of Wyoming as our Attending Veterinarian. She's
a jewel.

Games include:
Paper Bag Escape, Sock It To 'Em, Best Costume, Ferret Jockey, Little
Beggar, Car Race, Quickest Tongue, Strongest Ferret, Cup Tip,
Incredible Hulk & Minnie Mouse ($ per entry per game).

The games have as much importance with us as the judging since it's all
about having fun with our ferrets.

We're excited to have photograhers ... Digital By Joe & Suzy ... with
us this year. Diamond's going to have her sitting with them .... can't
wait. Check out if you want to take a peek
at their work.

At the suggestion of some of our friends last year, this year we are
having our Kibble Korner with food (and beverages) for humans

We're thrilled to have Squeezles Galore, The Hidey Hole, The Ferret
Villa Shelter, F.A.I.R., Debbie Vitacco, Pam VanOverloop, Happy
Critters, Ferradise ..Ferrets In Paradise, All-Weather Seal, Noah's Pet
Cemetery, Ferret R Gang, Casey's Hidden Pantry and Donna Kalafut with
us. I know for a fact Reanee Gladden & Lynn Toole are bringing a sewing
machine and God knows what these 2 creative geniuses are going to come
up with. I remember Reanee saying something about making a ferret.

Last but not least is the MFF Rafle and door prize ............ good
stuff ...... thanks to the generosity of The Ferret Depot, Melatek LLC,
Performance Foods, PETCO ..... and the list goes on.

The Midwest Ferret Fellowship offers a day of camaraderie for ferret
lovers and we hope if you attend you will come away with the feeling of
the friendship and love of ferrets that brings this event together
every year.

Dee Gage
Midwest Ferret Fellowship

[Posted in FML 6483]