Hello to all those owned by ferrets. I am looking for any and all help
or suggestions I can get. I rescued an albino boy that has had a very
hard life. His owners let him outside without watching him and he got
attacked by a stray cat. They then decided to hand him over to Animal
Control. They were surprised he survived and was put out for adoption;
this is where I met him. I would go up there to check on him and give
him attention; I believed that he would go to a knowledgeable rescue if
he wasn't adopted in a timely manner. I kept checking the rescue's web
page to see if he was adopted yet. After 2 weeks I went to visit him.
He was kept in a cage outside under a tree, this upset me because we
are in Florida and it was June. I later found out he was eating cheap
cat food and grapes. He had lost weight, had a sore on his leg and was
urinating a neon green color. I took him to my vet and blood work
showed that he had heartworms. Also found out he had a heart murmur.

I got him on meds and started feeding him EVO and he started gaining
weight and learning how to play. 2 months after getting him he
developed a bump on his lower right eyelid. The vet thought it was
either a blood blister or cyst so we decided to remove it. Turned out
to be a spindle cell tumor. Before he was completely healed the tumor
came back and has gotten very big quickly.

Here is where I need help - I have an e-collar on him, which he mostly
keeps on, because he scratches at it and it starts to bleed. I know he
is uncomfortable with it on. He can't burrow, go in tubes, has hard
time eating and drinking and gets stuck in places. Does anyone know
of any other way I can keep him from being able to scratch at it? I
want him to have a happy and active life that he deserves but without
hurting himself.

As always I hope this finds everyone out there happy and healthy.
Thanks in advance for your time and suggestions.

Katrina and her bakers dozen fur babies

[Posted in FML 6502]