Dear All,

This past weekend was Rocky's OFEST 2009. Thank goodness we'd changed
our venue from my farm, to the wonderful pavillion in the woods, which
has a raised concrete floor! It rained torrents all afternoon, but
there is not a greater fun crowd than those that attend our parties,
and in true fashion, we partied all day and evening.

The event was a great success. There were many winners from our online
fundraiser, in fact, too many to list here, and this week you will each
be notified.

There was great food, music and entertainment, and just the gathering
of old friends and making new ones, is the highlight of our parties.
Even my friend Marsha from Missouri came for the first time!!!

The rain stopped early evening, and we had our traditional raging
bonfire. Much later, DJ Bob put the music selections on, came down
from the stage, took a chair ringside and relaxed with everyone. Bob's
choice of The Moody Blues was perfect! As the music was softly playing,
there was one moment none of us will forget. The Moody Blues Prelude
started, and Bob and Ed rose to their feet and recited it for the rest
of us! Then we all sat around and reminisced about events past! Great
memories were made that day and evening!!!

In my previous post, I asked everyone to please support local shelters.
Yes Maren, I do wear my heart on my sleeve. The responses here, as well
as directly to me, were so kind and supportive, and I thank you for
taking my plea to your hearts and helping to make change locally,

From this very tired shelter director, I thank you for helping me with
this effort, and all the years past.

Barb Clay
Dir of Shelter Affairs for Rocky's
Parkton, Maryland

[Posted in FML 6499]