Great news that the damage isn't as bad as suspected. We adopted a
little girl, Spanky Rose, that had the same problem. My vet put her on
pred to decrease swelling that may have occured. We also live in FL and
had a pool so a few times a week I'd take her in the pool with me and
let her swim for a few minutes. This also made her use her legs just by
reflex action. She had a Ferret Flyer that a great friend had made for
her and she was put in it for at least an hour a day. She never got to
the point where she could walk normally but she did get to the point
that she could do the combat crawl pushing herself with her hind legs
and she did get to where she could actually stand up and walk for a
few steps before losing her balance. But nothing slowed her down.

Unfortunately we lost her to an embolism before she could improve any
more. But, to us, she will always be our "poster child" as to what
these babies can accomplish with lots of love and determination . . .
on their and our parts. Good luck little one!

[Posted in FML 6493]