All right now . . . Listen Up ~ !

(1.) In an effort to stimulate investigative interest in the use of the
word, _FERRET_ as an adjective, noun or otherwise, you may consider the
adjectival modifier of the noun, _FACE_, as somehow descriptive of Army
Medical Corps, Major Frank Burns facial appearance. Major Burns was the
butt of many sarcastic jokes from the other doctors in the TV show,
_MASH_, as you would know had you watched some of the M.A.S.H.

M*A*S*H Frank Burns

"Ferret Face"

I hope you can pull up from the link above the color photos of Ferret
Face and the accompanying song, _THEY'RE COMING TO TAKE ME AWAY_.

The song is pretty good and is quite catchy. However, as the photos
are flashed of Ferret Face, I'm at quite a loss to see in his facial
features much resemblance to the face of a typical sable hob or even
a pointy nosed jill. Methinks the label of Ferret Face is stretching
reality a bit, and I do wonder what you ferreters see in his visage
as ferret-like?

(2.) In another discovery I caught a second time is the simile, looks
like a _FERRET-FACED-FREAK _ Here we have a well known radio talk show
host referring to a spokesman who apparently made comments unflattering
to the host. The link is below. .


These two examples cite use of the word, _FERRET_, in an
un-complementary manner and seem to strongly suggest that a human
being  ho looks like a ferret, sort of, is a person other than
handsome. The connotation is quite negative in this second instance.
But I must concede that I don't have a picture of the so called,
_FERRET-FACED-FREAK_ who is named in the epithet. Perhaps one of you
who may have an interest in this could provide a link to the subject's

(3.) For those of you following the talks on the health care
legislation, as have I, one is not surprised to hear the pro and con
debate wherein the con often speak of the devil in the details and
the need to_ FERRET OUT_ obscure facts and the so-called unexpected
consequences lying within the1,600 pages of the Bill. Does this mean,
then, that the writers of the legislation are _FERRETING IN_ data, such
as a thieving ferret that hides your dirty socks . . . in his favorite
hidey hole or under the sofa?

This is the latest from drawdE iksnipi:L, who is sadly missing his
rehomed eleven, bright-eyed, wet nosed diggers. Just have to ferret
out some more, somewhere.

Were I to appeal to local breeders, may I be fortunate to receive
donated male kits in the near future, thenso get started on training
to dig out (FERRET OUT) unexploded munitions, bomblets, booby traps,
and land mines around the world. Won't you help and come with me, if
in spirit only, please?.

And on another note, can you refer me to a blog servicer wherein I
may post not just my interests but also drawings, phyrret art, and
photographs. Since I'm in retirement, on a low, low fixed income, and
facing my 50th wedding anniversary 09.17.2010. , (anticipating dinner
at McDonalds here on Mercer Island with my Swedish bride) the dollars
are scarcer every year. Hence, the blog must need be inexpensive, for
sure. So, you got some ideas, yes? Change and Hope.

Most of us are about as eager to be changed as we were to be born, and
go through our changes in a similar state of shock. Send quote to a
friend <> James Baldwin
<> (1924-1987)
African-American writer.

Edward Lipinski at Ferrets North West Foundation on Mercer Island,
Washington State.

[Posted in FML 6486]