If a nine month old ferret lets say gets out to play at 9:30am plays
with his ten week old brother then goes to sleep after playing for
maybe an hour, and only wakes up the rest of the day long enough to eat
and use bathroom. If we drag him out he only plays a little while then
goes to his sleep spot under the couch until we take him out. When we
took him to the vet beginning of last month he weighed three pounds he
has gained more weight since (round tummy) poops are fine drinks good
nothing new in the way of food, treats . Can he just get tired out
because hes maybe over weight and his little brother bites and jumps
on him non stop whenever he is not sleeping? They have there own cages.
Any ideas any one? My husband says hes to fat and not worry but im a
worry wart .


[Posted in FML 6485]