October 2009
Master Largo's News

Possum Senior Reporter
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Andy watching from Rainbow Bridge

Possum here: We are up to our ears in new kids; June 6th started the
run on new kids with Dexter, (he has a new home now) 15 kids from June
6th to September 23 2009

Suzie Q: Hey Possum them numbers are different now, because some fur
kids have gone out and more have come in.

Possum here: I know! I know Suzie but that is for next month because
this is this month.

Suzie Q: What are you talking about? Numbers are numbers get them
right! Come on we have some VERY IMPORTANT things to put in the news
this month so I am going to get started. First of all our shopping cart
on <http://www.ferretfarm.org/> is all fixed, and newly designed for
easier access. Miss Mindy worked real hard to get that back up and
running for us. We had to get a new shopping cart because the other one
would not allow anyone to use credit cards that have expiration dates
past 2010. That is no longer a problem. Miss Jackie R. said she would
help mum get pictures of all the newest products we have so mum and
Miss Mindy can get them up on our site for you to see and buy if you
wish. There is lots of cool stuff for humans that love ferrets.

Possum here: Hey I want to tell some important news too! I am going to
tell about our play yard work weekend. We had many humans buy blocks so
we could get them fixed; then many more humans that live close enough
to come help us fix it came to put the stuff on the blocks to keep them
from crumbling any more. Miss Donna was here on the Wednesday before to
get our play yard ready for the work weekend and it was her birthday!
She worked so hard to get all the grass down really low and all the
toys put under the canopy so the humans had room to move about. Miss
Stacie K. loaned us her mower because ours was Broked! Miss Donna
even took time out to play with me!! The play yard weekend was a huge
success! On Saturday Miss Mindy, Miss Genevieve, and Miss Iliana were
here working and they got the outside of our play yard all covered,
that took about 5 hours then on day 2 Miss Ginger, Miss Mindy, Miss
Nicky, Miss Donna, Miss Cathy D, Miss Brie worked to get the inside
sealed so mum is hoping that it will keep it from crumbling any more.
Mr. Joe and Mr. Carl worked on getting some trees that were hanging on
mum's roof cut back, the gutters were full of leaves so they cleaned
them out and got the tires that mum uses in her garden out to the
garden for next year. Mum took lots of pictures of the entire goings
on that weekend you can find them here
On Saturday 8/29 we had a house full of humans again! Miss Mindy, Miss
Jackie, Miss Stacie, Miss Lisa and Mr. Pete all showed up on the same
day. Hey Suzie did you know Miss Lisa and Mr. Pete got hitched?

Suzie Q: You mean married Possum? 

Possum here: Yeah; like I said HITCHED!

Suzie Q. Possum YOU'RE really DUMB! Yes I knew that; now the entire
world knows it! Did it occur to you to ask them if they wanted to world
to know? Possum here: Why wouldn't they want the world to know? Anyway
they told mum so I guess they don't care because EVERYONE knows I can't
keep a secret and that anything that is said or done here at the
shelter; I TELL IN THE NEWS! I heard them tell mum so it was told in
the shelter! SO THERE!!!!!!!! Now who is dumb Suzie?

Suzie Q. I am ignoring you Possum! Miss Iliana has been coming every
Thursday to help mum around here; she helps mum get caught up. Miss
Iliana is Chloe and Izzy's not so far, far away mom. Miss Jackie has
been coming sometimes on Monday's and Tuesday's to help too. Miss
Jackie has been taking big bags of dirty laundry home to help mum keep
up with our laundry. Mum did not realize how much that was helping
until last week when Miss Jackie could not take any because her water
was not working. WOW we sure make lots of dirty laundry here. Mum has
piles of it waiting to be washed, that does not happen when Miss Jackie
takes some home with her.

Possum here: We had a full house again on 9-6 two new people came to
see us fur kids; they want to adopt so they hung out with Dexter they
had a grand time! However they did not get back to mum so when Dexter
found new friends with Miss Ginger and Mr. Joe he went to live with
them instead. We have another new shelter friend Miss Genevieve she
goes to the same school that mum drives the Big Yellow Thingy for, she
bugged her mom to bring her here to visit with us at the shelter. Mum
says she has been bitten with the ferret bug for sure; Miss Genevieve
is a ferret lover from inside out! Her mom Siobhan brings Genevieve
over every Sunday to help mum and to play with us. She was even here
last weekend to help with our play yard. Anyway her mom Siobhan is not
so sure they can have a ferret at their house so mum told them both she
would groom and teach Genevieve all she can so when mum retires from
doing the shelter (meaning she died) then Genevieve can take over for
mum. Mum better hang on for a few years because Genevieve has about 7
more years of school.

Suzie Q. Hey Possum did you remember you were suppose to be telling
about the day everyone came NOT JUST about Genevieve and her mom?


Suzie Q. Then start telling it all not just some of it! Possum here:
OKAY! Miss Brie came to play with her Loka. Then she took Dancer out
to the play yard to play. Hey how come we didn't get to go to the play
yard Suzie? That same day Mr Joe, Mr Carl, Miss Ginger and Miss Heather
came to hang out too. Actually they came to buy food for their ferrets
but they hang out to help mum and play with us kids too. The guys took
mums chain saw and weed eater out to the yard to do some work. The
pretty blue spruce that we have out back where all our cousins' ashes
go was getting stunted because the sumac was crowding it out, so Mr Joe
cut the sumac back, then he and Carl cut the Box Elder down because it
was growing into our garage foundation. Carl took the weed eater out to
the play yard to get all the high grass at the outside edge of the pen
cut down. The guys sure worked hard that day. The girls stayed in with
mum and played with us fur kids.

Suzie Q: Oh one more thing the giving tree is up and running, mum
gots all the kids she was allowed on there, they are tree 3. If you
think you want to be a secret Santa for one of us and we are not on
the tree you can let mum know. But the tree kids can be found here

I believe we have told everything mum had on the list to tell and then
some. So until next month you humans out there have a super safe fall,
and Possum and I will check in with you next month.

Suzie Q
Super Snooper Senior Reporter signing off until next month!

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[Posted in FML 6472]