Look up DIATOMACEOUS EARTH on Google or your favorite search place!
This will solve Most of your problems!!!

Your carpets are probably rotted from the past infestation of beetles
and their larva, you might want to put linoleum down anyway as money
allows, with Ferrets in the house!! I also use allot of washable throw
rugs. The fur-kids love rides on them and tunneling under them.too! I
have had ferrets for 6 years and I have used DE for 3 years and have
been insect free (ticks and fleas too)!! DE also can be eaten by human
or animal.and will get rid of all kinds of nasty things! I buy mine at
the local herbal store I pay $1.50 for a pound. Make sure you get food
grade.not filter grade. Remember that it will kill ALL I repeat ALL
insects. Good and bad. So be careful if you dust in your garden (you
don't want to kill the bee's and lady bugs)!

OK that's enough from me! If you research on line you will see what I
say, and allot more!

Good Luck!

[Posted in FML 6483]